Sherrie’s experience with Anderson Podiatry was wonderful from the moment she placed her call to the second she was in the chair talking to Dr. Anderson. Sherrie was treated for a condition called drop toot, which is a general term for difficulty lifting the front part off the foot. It is caused by weakness of the muscles that lift the front part of the foot. Sherrie’s drop foot was in her left leg and caused by neuropathy, which made her ankle tilt forward and diluted her strength.

When strength is an issue, walking is obviously effected. You may not be able to push of the ground with your feet as well or lift your feet off the ground if you are experiencing drop foot. In fact, falls also become more probable which puts people’s safety at great risk.

Dr. Anderson performed surgery on three spots and untangled the nerves in her leg- and to Sherrie’s delight, the surgery corrected her problem! The best aspect of the outcome of Sherrie’s surgery is that her drop foot is gone; she can walk normally and has regained great strength and stability. Allowing her to live her life normally again without having to consider the risk of falling.

Sherrie would absolutely recommend her friends and family to Anderson Podiatry Center. She found that the Anderson Podiatry crew worked as a team to help each other, with the goal of putting patients first. Anderson Podiatry’s compassionate, friendly doctors are skilled at finding the root of foot, ankle, and lower leg problems.

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