One year post-surgery, Ella shares her journey from sleepless nights to restful sleep every night, transforming her life after years of sleep deprivation.

Judy Schmidt was at the end of her rope. After more than 20 years of…

Sherrie was treated for a condition called drop toot, which is a general term for difficulty lifting the front part off the foot. It is caused by weakness of the muscles that lift the front part of the foot.

Jacque’s experience at Anderson Podiatry was wonderful; she felt welcomed and safe, especially during the…

Welcome to Part 3 of our blog, Neuropathy 101. We’ve discussed the signs and symptoms…

Lisa Nelson had been suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) for years. After what seemed…
For most people, restless leg syndrome would be overwhelming enough to deal with by itself,…
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