diabetic charcot foot

Diabetes is a common problem that is affecting more people worldwide and Charcot foot is associated with the diabetic foot. It may be one of the most overlooked problems for not only the patients but healthcare providers in the diabetic population. Charcot foot can result in foot deformities which can be debilitating from a functional…


What you can learn and do to prevent diabetic foot amputation Whenever you hear the word diabetes, you may have heard of someone you know of who has lost a foot or limb because of their diabetic state. In this blog, I will break down what you need to know into three basic categories. You…

Ankle Swelling Flatfoot

Flatfeet, commonly referred to as Pes Valgus or Pes Planus, is a condition with varying degrees of physical issues. If the condition is severe, there may be a minimal arch, and the arch may be touching the walking surface. The term pronation is often used to describe the motion of the foot rolling inward as…

Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery

Put your best foot forward after reconstructive foot and ankle surgery The purpose of reconstructive foot and ankle surgery is to restore normal function to the foot and ankle. It may also be needed to eliminate a painful condition and in some situations improve the cosmetics of the foot or ankle. Reconstructive foot and ankle…

fungal nail treatment using the laser pinponte system

Toenail fungus is one of the most common foot complaints. For many it can be very embarrassing with yellow discoloration of the nails. The nails may also become thickened, crumbly and even painful and difficult to trim. At Anderson Podiatry center we have the most experience as we were the first to bring laser fungal…


Many of you have been led to believe that restless legs may have to do with dopamine a neurotransmitter in the brain, or your iron levels or magnesium levels. Yes this may have a role however from my experience, the experiences of my patients along with my research point another direction, THE LEGS! Yes where…

Peripheral Neuropathy 5 stages

Have you heard these comments regarding peripheral neuropathy? “The nerve fibers have disintegrated so they are permanently damaged, it’s irreversible.” “There is no cure.” Listening to this, you walk away from whichever doctor told you this and you say to yourself “Oh well, I guess the nerve damage is permanent and there is nothing I…

growing feet as we age bigger feet

What can cause your feet to get bigger and what can you do about it? Why Are Your Feet Getting Bigger? You may have noticed, especially as you’re getting older, that your feet are getting bigger. The shoes that used to fit you no longer are adequate and you find yourself shopping for shoes that…

athlete's foot fungus treatment

Tinea pedis, more commonly known as athletes’ foot, is caused by fungus. It is one of the most common skin conditions of the foot and can be very infuriating. It can present with severe itching, burning or stinging sensations. This same fungus can also cause jock itch or ringworm. The affected areas include the bottom…

james anderson radio interview

Hear from your local podiatrist Dr. James Anderson in this candid interview on 93.5 Oldies radio. In this candid interview with Dr. James Anderson, your local foot doctor talks about his decision to become a podiatrist. The importance of feet in daily life and the high success rate drove Dr. Anderson to choose podiatry as…

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