fingernail fungus laser treatment

fingernail fungus laser treatment

Fingernail fungus can be a very troubling problem and getting laser treatment is what we recommend for this embarrassing condition. Although it’s most common on toenails, it may also be present on the fingernails. The embarrassment of finger fungus may be more common as it can be hidden when wearing your shoes. Fungus likes a warm moist place to grow and that is thought to be the reason for it to be more prevalent.

What does fingernail fungus look like?

  • The nail will become discolored such as a yellow discoloration, but the nail may also have white discoloration.
  • Thickening of the finger nail.
  • Deformation and curing in on the edges of the nail may cause the nail to become ingrown.

What Causes Nail Fungus Infections?

  • Fungus likes a moist place to grow and if your hands are in water a lot this may promote its presence.
  • Trauma to the nail may also start the process, and the trauma may cause a fissure in the nail and this allows fungus to enter the nail.
  • Your immune system – We need to understand that for a majority of people, it’s likely that the immune system is to blame. That is why one spouse may have it for years and the other never gets it.

What Can You Do to Avoid It?

  • It’s best to make sure you dry your hands well after bathing or washing them. Also, avoid wearing gloves for long periods of time as the gloves may trap moisture inside creating a better environment for fungus to grow.
  • Stay healthy – any medical condition that affects your immune system may make you more susceptible to nail fungus. A common example of this is diabetes.
  • Nail polish – Avoid nail polish as this is unhealthy for the nails and may lock moisture beneath it.
  • Finally, be kind to yourself. It’s likely not your fault. Many times, I tell many patients that they have less control than they think as the immune system they inherited just doesn’t fight fungus well. The fact is that many patients with this condition have a family history of fungus on their nails.

Fingernail Fungus Treatments can Include Three Options.

Topicals – Applying over the counter topicals may be your first step. If you catch it very early and it’s not too severe this may be your solution. However, out of all the options, it’s the least successful. So early detection and treatment is important for this option to work. It’s very difficult for topicals to penetrate a nail and that is why the success rate is low. I often am asked if removal of the nail along with treatment as it grows out will work. I’ve seldom seen this be effective. I feel this is not a good option as the removal itself may traumatize the nail and cause it to be deformed.

Oral medication – Lamisil (Terbinafine) is an oral medication. I consider this the second most successful treatment option. At Anderson Podiatry Center, we seldom prescribe antifungal oral medication because of the potential for liver toxicity and if we do, we get a liver panel order before and during treatment to ensure no liver damage is present before starting or during treatment. Many reports show a 40-60-percent success rate with the oral option.

Laser treatment – Laser is considered the most successful fingernail fungus laser treatment option. We have been performing laser treatments for 15 years and we’re the first to bring the treatment option to the Rocky Mountain region. We have a lot of experience! Laser works on the concept of heat. It penetrates heat deep within the nail and this is what destroys the fungus. Our pinpoint laser system pulses the heat very rapidly so most patients have no discomfort when treatment is done. There are also no known side effects and no symptoms after treatments are performed. As fingernails take four to six months to grow back. From our experience, we have found that a minimum of three treatments are recommended to get the maximum benefit of laser treatment for fingernail or toe nail fungus. The laser treatment cost is lower than expected and takes no more than 30 minutes per session. The cure rate for a fungal nail infection is the highest of the three options. We also offer antifungal nail polish in our offices to compliment your treatments.

fungal nail treatment using the laser pinponte system

Finally, you may have questioned why a podiatrist is doing a blog on fingernail fungus. The answer is we have had a lot of experience treating toenail fungus and feel we can offer the same for fingernails!

However, for us to proceed with our treatments, we must have an order and referral from your primary care doctor. So, if you’d like to better understand this process please email or call us for more information or request an appointment!

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