laser treatment for foot pain MLS

Our MLS laser therapy uses deeply penetrating light to help repair your body’s tissues. It is a “multi wave lock system”.

Active Life

Get Back to Your Active Life The more time I spend with patients, the more I see that no matter what their symptoms are, their primary desire is essentially the same. They want to get back to their previous activity level, and they want to do it fast. Whether they are a runner, busy parent,…

neuropathy fact vs fiction

Neuropathy is a frustrating, debilitating, painful, and, most discouragingly, a confusing disease. If you or someone you know has neuropathy, chances are they have really struggled with finding accurate knowledge on the subject, and with all the information out there it can be overwhelming deciphering what’s true from what isn’t. Though neuropathy is a fairly…

ankle problems

With all the wear and tear we put our bodies through it’s no wonder we go to bed sore at night. We often get so accustomed to these persistent aches and pains that we just live with them. It’s normal to have foot pain and ankle pain after a long day of work, right? Sometimes,…

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